Digital Coverage

Unique User
14.93 m
Page Impressions
147.74 m
47.65 m
Possible Video Ais
2.88 m

Desktop Coverage

Page Impressions
45.92 m
10.51 m

Mobile Coverage

PageImpressions Web
84.64 m
Visits Web
33.88 m
PageImpressions Apps
17.19 m
Visits Apps
3.26 m


Sources: IVW 2024-03 / agof daily digital facts 2022-10 / Adserver 2024-03

STERN digital recognises relevant topics and provides an in-depth look into their background. The visually strong news site is consistently oriented towards its users and provides news from all areas of life: Ranging from politics and travel to entertainment and health - easy to follow and comprehensible. STERN presents its topics in relevant formats and masters the entire range of multimedia channels - whether audio, video or text, addressing all those who not only want to know about current topics, but also wish to understand their relevance to their lives. With new photos every day, it is the most image-rich journalistic platform on the German-language Internet.