Digital Coverage

Page Impressions
1,304.82 m
243.52 m
Possible Video Ais
41.13 m

Desktop Coverage

Page Impressions
243.22 m
46.30 m

Mobile Coverage

PageImpressions Web
289.91 m
Visits Web
89.24 m
PageImpressions Apps
771.69 m
Visits Apps
107.98 m

1,100,000 *
845,128 *
338,302 *
144,000 *


Sources: IVW 2024-03 / Adserver 2024-04

NTV delivers breaking news from all over the world: fast and to the point. 

NTV describes the backgrounds of a wide range of topics, from economics and finance to politics, sport and society, and creates an understanding of complex interrelationships.

With innovative moving image formats and in-depth podcast and audio pieces, the platform provides daily updated and detailed background reports of globally relevant events. All important global financial topics are carefully prepared by NTV and thus attract the attention of decision-makers with an affinity to finance and the economy.